
Monday, July 28, 2014

Tour du Mont Blanc - 330km with 8000m elevation

This weekend`s cycling tour led through Switzerland, Italy and France hitting climbs like 

  • Col de Champex (9.3k, 560m elevation), 
  • St Grand Bernard (45km, 2000m elevation), 
  • Petit St. Bernard (28km, 1287m elevation), 
  • Cormet de Roselend (20km, 1100m elevation) and 
  • Col de Montets (11.5km, 420m elevation)

....all around Mt. Blanc.

We had every kind of weather. From cool Spring-like temperatures while crawling up Grand St. Bernard to Mediterranean heat in Aosta, Italy having lunch in a park to damp and rainy weather in Ugine, France to clear sunshine in Chamonix. 

It`s fun cycling through three different countries with different food options, weather and terrain. We stayed in small ski resort towns that offered cute hotel rooms with a homelike character. 
Here is the route with some pics:

The route

The pain measured in elevation

Fantastic weather

A glimpse to the Mt. Blanc

Tunnels - sometimes so dark you have no clue where you are riding

St petit Bernard....Not so petit though with 1,300m of climbing!

Since we just crossed into Italy, a crostata had to be on the re-fuel menu

What a view!

Sunshine on the ascent, mystic fog on the descent

Cycling in the clouds

View to Martigny, our start and end point

Turquoise lakes

Another view to the Mt Blanc
On next weekend`s agenda will be Italy with climbs like Stelvio Joch, Gavia und den Mortirolo.

Picture source: 
Photo Credit: Paul Boerner

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