
Thursday, May 10, 2012

From Turkey Hill to Germany

Wow, time flew by, only 4 more days and I am sitting in a plane on my way to Germany!

The past weeks have been crazy. Big changes are on the way unrelated to cycling. Cycling had to take a step back. But that didn’t mean I didn’t race.

I actually just had a great race at Turkey Hill a week ago. The course is super challenging with the “wall” one climbs up nine times in the Men 3/4 race which I did. The first 3 or 4 times might not be “too” hard but with the sixth time, I really had to watch I don’t fall backwards. It must have been hard because out of 100  racers, only about half completed the race. I was happy to finish with the peloton.
Results are here:
and some pictures: Pictures

Now with Germany coming up, cycling will take priority again. I am excited and nervous. As I am exchanging emails with my new teammate she makes clear in her German way that racing in Europe is different but spared me any details! Great! That was exactly what I wanted to know!

I guess I have to wait to find out next week. After arriving on Monday and travelling jetlagged on Tuesday to the race and sleeping in a gym (according to team directors email), I will face my first European race on Wednesday.

This stage race does not seem too unimportant either because the Thursday race includes the German hill climb championship as well.

I wonder if the 6 mi Virginia hill climb championships in Wintergreen were good preparation or if the German hill climb championship involves racing up the Zugspitze, highest peak in Germany. Haha.

Whatever comes, my plan is to write as much about racing in Germany as possible. We will see how much that will be. It could be as long as a dissertation or as short as: screw that!

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