
Monday, May 2, 2011

Roswell Crit, May 1, 2011

Field: Pro/1/2, 50 starters, five turns, two of them 90 degree

Race start: 4:20pm, 60min

This race report will be short because there was not so much of a race for me.

After this race, my training plan has drastically changed. I realized that I miss some of the most crucial skills for crit racing:

1.) Advocacy skills….You might have to make a strong argument to suspicious pit people that although you haven’t broken your collar bone or bleeding profusely you still have hit the deck and want your deserved free lap.

2.) Acting skills…When you happen to get caught behind a crash, a well-performed fall onto the ground (but please don’t hurt yourself) could substantiate skill set number 1.

3.) Judo skills…hitting the ground is not the exception and a practiced role over the handlebar would soften the impact on skin and bones.

To summarize Roswell…Lindsay and I got caught behind a crash. We tried to get a free lap but did not get one….race was over.

Also, I learned from another racer that I shouldn’t have been pulled at Athens. Three groups were formed during the race, the peloton, mine (consisting of three riders) and the chasing group. The chasing group got caught by the peloton and merged. The refs did not see that and thought we three riders were stragglers and pulled us.

Today is rest day, let's see what Beaufort tomorrow brings...

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